Standing on Moses and John’s writing, Genesis 1 and John 1, we saw the word is the creator of all things: the heaven and the earth and all in them.
Nothing was created except by the word. In all this, the word remains uncreated and thus God.
A closer look at Genesis reveals to us what John meant by “All things were made by the word; and without the word was not any thing made that was made.” (Emphasis mine)
John 1:3 KJV
After God’s introduction in Genesis 1:1, verse 2 will begin with Moses detailing a vastness of nothingness and darkness. And interestingly too he supplies another persona of God or the word: the Spirit of God.
Which is different from what he and John had shared with us to this point. Since the spirit is not from but of God, it goes to say that the spirit, just like the word is God.
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
Genesis 1:2 KJV
Hovering over the face of this nothingness and darkness, God or the Spirit of God or the word will as if, in a moment, and in him reach for the blueprint of all that the earth will be and possibly become. And as a man will, after the blueprint goes to create, he did.
Pay close attention and don’t miss this, the last three weeks has led us to this point: the study of Genesis 1, in order to see how the word created in the beginning.
As God, there are a billion ways with which to bring about creation. He could snap his fingers, shoot air through his nostrils or whisk a little here and there and creation will be.
Of all these many ways to start creation, John will explain no other route but by the word and Moses will further enlighten us with exactness, the how as seen in verse 3 of Genesis 1:
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
Therefore, from the writings of Moses the first act of God in creation as it were is “And God said”.
This means when John said “All things were made by the word”: by implication he meant: And the word said!
And God said.
And the word said.
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