"So where does this leave me?" I whispered as Jay stroked my back. His touch soothing the depths of my weary soul.
"A choice to make,NK" He paused and smiled briefly.
“Come, we will talk these things over. Your sins are red like deepred cloth. But they can be as white as snow. Your sins are bright red. But you can be white like wool.""Sounds like something from the Bible," I gave a flight frown.
"My heart to your ears, NK."
"So you are trying to tell me that everything I have ever done, is gone, forgotten if I give this a chance, if I give you a chance?"
"Its like a permanent amnesia NK, no memory what so ever. Forgiven and forgotten." Jay grinned.
Just like that? I don't need constant reminders of what I have done?This is just too good to be true.
You can never be free! You? Your life will continually be an endless cycle of pain and hurt. You aren't worth anything.
"Don't listen to the lies. You have been redeemed, every debt has been paid in full. Your burden has been carried long ago, but the enemy doesn't want you to see that. Its like a father who has bequeathed a mouth-watering inheritance to his heir, but this heir doesn’t have a clue and sleeps under the bridge, living life like a pauper. How do you think he would react when he knows what he has and who he is? Keep living from hand to mouth? I doubt that. He'd run home without wasting another minute. Back to his father. Back to love." He squeezed her hands gently.
"B.bbbut, what if this child isn't worthy of the Father's love, what if this child has had a track record of rebellion and disobedience." I protested, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Then this child has not fully understood what love is, then this child has not grasped the fact that Love never stops loving, always hopes and always believes. Then this child hasn't seen how the Father's heart beats for her every second that he is willing to risk it all to have her back."
"Then this child is coming home" with all the strength I had left I threw my arms around Jay, and he held me in a warm embrace that sent an illumination to my very core. And as tears kept rolling freely, I heard a sweet whisper:
"Welcome home, NK"
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