Hopefully, this has sparked off a new resolve to break from the bandwagon of complaints and murmuring regardless of what we might physically see.
Going forward, it's crucial to consider what informs our speaking. In this day and age when everyone has been empowered to speak by social media and apparently has the right to say anything, anyhow and anywhere to whoever cares to listen via a simple click, it is crucial to examine the "why" behind our words.
Let's be honest why do we type or repost what we do? Why do we engage in those 'harmless' conversations? Is it to let off some emotional steam, vent or feel part of a trending discussion?
Do you have your facts right before you even contribute to the said discussion? Is the object or in most cases the subject of your discussion being built up or mercilessly torn down by your words? Will you be able to stomach all you have said if the tables were to be turned?
Most importantly, what do the scriptures say about this?
Are you confused about the said topic or issue? The Holy Spirit has been promised to guide us into all TRUTH. Have a conversation with him in prayer and you will never go wrong. He will lead you to all the answers you seek.
Just before you type or join another conversation.THINK! Is it:
(Reflecting my) New nature in Christ
You may just be setting yourself up for trouble if you are careless with your conversations offline and online. Here's what scripture says:
A fool's mouth is his destruction, And his lips are the snare of his soul.
Proverbs 18:7 KJV
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